You don’t need to invest all the time for the equipment to be used in your kitchen. This salesperson knows better about how to convert your wants into needs. This equipment has made us all dependent on them. We hardly think of brewing coffee without a coffee maker. But you can easily prepare a decent classic cup of coffee within a few minutes without using any equipment. It furthermore depicts what kind of coffee you actually want to have.

You don’t need the latest equipment and all. You can make your coffee on the stove as well. There are many ways to make a decent mug of coffee. And help you make coffee without a coffee maker. We will prefer to discuss a few ones here.

Making Coffee On The Stove.


Absence of digital technology like a kettle at places like hiking or due to a power cut-off, you can easily prepare a coffee mug with your saucepan following these steps.

Your coffee is ready; you can enjoy your coffee without any effort and brewing machines.

Making A Coffee With A Kettle.

Making A Coffee With A Kettle.

The primary purpose of a kettle is to warm the water. It simply involves adding warm water into the grounded coffee. It is done in two ways.

You may check: How To Grind Coffee Beans?

Step 1

  1. Add water to the kettle and let it boil.
  2. Add grounded coffee into your mug according to your taste. Or the figure 2table spoon per 6 ounces of water.
  3. Start pouring water into the mug slowly so that the coffee smoothly mixes with the water.
  4. Let the coffee sit for 4 to 5 minutes to fetch the best taste out of it. And all the coffee should sit on the ground.

Your coffee is ready.

Step 2

The best taste of a coffee can be fetched out only when the beans are grounded freshly. The beans should not be roasted more than two weeks earlier. A pro tip not to ruin your day with a bad mug of coffee.

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